新闻公告 行业信息 政策解读
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哪些人可以参加济南人事代理? 1.外资、乡镇、街道、民营、私营企业聘用的技术和管理人员。
Who can participate in Jinan personnel agency? 1. Professional technicians and managers employed by foreign-funded, township, street, private and private enterprises.
2.到非公有制单位工作、自谋职业、到外地应聘的应届大中专毕业生、研究生和军队转业干 部及“五大”毕业生。
2. Fresh college and technical secondary school graduates, postgraduates, demobilized military cadres and graduates of the "five universities" who work in non-public units, seek jobs by themselves and apply for jobs in other places.
3. Resignation, dismissal and dismissal of personnel from government organs, enterprises and institutions.
4. Chinese employees of foreign institutions in Tang and staff of foreign offices in Tang.
5.深造、出国留学的 在职人员和应届大中专毕业生及回国工作的留学人员。
5. In service personnel for further study and studying abroad, fresh college and technical secondary school graduates and overseas students returning to work.
6. Other mobile personnel.
如何办理人事代理? 参加人事代理手续简便,随到随办。具体手续是:在职人员凭调动手续或辞职手续。大中专毕业生凭毕业生分配部门开据的报到证;“五大”毕业生凭毕业证与我中心签定人事代理协议书。
How to handle personnel agency? The procedures for participating in personnel agency are simple and handled on arrival. The specific procedures are: the on-the-job personnel shall go through the transfer procedures or resignation procedures. College and technical secondary school graduates shall present the registration certificate issued by the graduate Distribution Department; The graduates of the "five universities" sign a personnel agency agreement with our center with their graduation certificate.
在我市应聘的外地人员,可由我中心调档,实行不含管理人 事关系和户粮关系的人事代理。终止人事代理关系的人员其人事关系档案由我中心按调转规定转移到新的 工作单位。包括全员人事代理和部分人事代理。
The foreign personnel applied for in our city can be transferred by our center to implement the personnel agency that does not include the management of personnel relations and household food relations. The personnel relationship files of the personnel who terminate the personnel agency relationship shall be transferred to the new work unit by our center according to the transfer regulations. Including all personnel agents and some personnel agents.
代理费用如何交纳? 根据省财政、物价部门文件规定标准收取管理费。社会保险的险种和缴纳金额按省市政府和有关部门的文件规定执行。
How to pay the agency fee? The management fee shall be charged according to the standards stipulated in the documents of the provincial finance and price departments. The insurance types and payment amount of social insurance shall be implemented in accordance with the documents of provincial and municipal governments and relevant departments.