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组织中战略性人力资源管理的重要性怎么强调都不为过,因为人是任何组织背后的驱动力。 在这方面,组织必须能够实施精心策划和深思熟虑的人力资源战略理念,这些理念将被实施以协调和引导人力资本以提高生产力。 坚实的人力资源战略使组织能够与其员工建立良好的关系,并与所在世界以互惠互利的方式和平共处。
The importance of strategic human resource management in an organization cannot be overemphasized, because people are the driving force behind any organization. In this regard, organizations must be able to implement well planned and well thought out human resources strategic ideas, which will be implemented to coordinate and guide human capital to improve productivity. A solid human resource strategy enables the organization to establish a good relationship with its employees and coexist peacefully with the world in a mutually beneficial way.
人力资源战略管理对组织有益的方式之一是正确实施的战略人力资源计划有助于公司实现其目标的方式。 当公司设定目标或希望实现的目标时,员工将执行专注于实现该目标的必要任务。 这就是战略人力资源在组织中的重要性可见一斑,因为人力资源部门将确定公司需要人力的关键领域。 该部门还将实施必要的步骤,以招募不仅可以填补空缺,还可以帮助公司实现其愿景和其他长期或短期目标的理想候选人。
One of the beneficial ways of human resource strategic management to the organization is the way that the correct implementation of strategic human resource plan helps the company achieve its goals. When the company sets goals or wants to achieve goals, employees will perform the necessary tasks focused on achieving the goals. This is the importance of strategic human resources in the organization, as the human resources department will determine the key areas where the company needs human resources. The Department will also implement the necessary steps to recruit ideal candidates who can not only fill vacancies, but also help the company achieve its vision and other long-term or short-term goals.
战略人力资源还涉及制定有助于激励员工提高生产力甚更多产量的战略。 人力资源可以做到这一点的一种方法是开发几种类型的激励措施,例如奖金和晋升。 这些通常会激励员工更加努力地工作以实现所承诺的激励措施。
Strategic human resources also involves developing strategies that help motivate employees to increase productivity and even more output. One way human resources can do this is to develop several types of incentives, such as bonuses and promotions. These usually motivate employees to work harder to achieve the promised incentives.
一些人力资源部门还使用来激励员工。 在规定的期间,可以是每月到每年的任何时间,公司可以排除一名或多名员工,并以或其他奖品的形式给予奖励,并鼓励其他员工在此过程中努力工作。
Some HR departments also use prices to motivate employees. During the specified period, which can be any time from every month to every year, the company can exclude one or more employees, reward them in the form of money or other prizes, and encourage other employees to work hard in this process.